It's a Dutch Family Business

Our History - Since 2002

Lebkov is a family adventure. It started back in 2002 when we opened our first shop in Leiden. The aim was to offer a healthy alternative to the many fast food formulas out there.

Our love for food, hospitality and our drive to evolve over time has been fundamental to our success. Although it has never been our ambition to grow, we recently opened our 7th location at the University of Amsterdam [Roeterseilandcampus].

We keep getting noticed and invited to establish new venues at high traffic urban locations. We could grow much faster, but we'd like to keep our own pace. Quality over quantity. Opening a new location has to meet some specific conditions and all of our six guiding principles, and that simply takes time.

We’ve got the goods. Homemade, pure & real food.

The Lebkov Family

We are NOT a franchise!

Lebkov is not a plug & play formula, and most certainly not a franchise. It’s a never ending story that evolves over time. We’re here to stay, so to say. That’s why the Lebkov was named after a fictional character, Mr. Lebkov, who traveled all the way from the east of Europe to New York and survived by selling sandwiches and coffee everywhere. Nowadays Mr. Lebkov is established in the Netherlands and lives on forever.

Inspired by the many cool delis and his favorite coffee places in New York, London, Melbourne & California - and guided by his principles learned during his journey - we aim to always protect the true character of Lebkov.

Mr. Lebkov loves specialty coffee & healthy delights - or 'good food' as he simply puts it. He wants to spread homemade goodness today and tomorrow. That's why he and his team are always chasing the smallest opportunities that help drive progress. As fictional as Mr. Lebkov may be, his genuine drive is felt throughout the Lebkov family and will never fade away.

At Lebkov Utrecht Centraal

Our 6th Opening

Lebkov Roeterseilandcampus


Come Work With Us!

We strive to be a good place to stay. Not only for our guests, but certainly also for all the people that work at Lebkov. Lebkov-ers as we call them, are a mixture of students and professionals.